

Evaluation & Diagnosis

Assessment that may include gathering of information through interview, inspection, examination that allows a dentist to diagnose existing conditions.

Comprehensive Oral Exam

Periodic Dental Checkup

Limited Oral Evaluation

Early Dental Assessmen

Dental Radiograph

Bitewing X-rays

Periapical X-rays

Full Mouth X-rays

Panoramic X-rays

Hygiene & Prevention

Comprehensive preventive and therapeutic oral health care for infants and children through adolescence, including those with special health care needs.

Prophylaxis (Dental cleaning)

Fluoride Varnish Treatment

Fluoride Treatment

Dental Sealants

Nutritional Counseling

Oral Hygiene Instructions

Treatment & Restoration

Dental treatment as determined by the dentist's diagnosis and is used by the dentist for the restoration to and/or maintenance of optimal oral health

Pulpotomy Treatment

Tooth Extraction

Amalgam Fillings

Posterior Composite Fillings

Anterior Composite Fillings

Crown for Permanent Teeth